For many people, accepting that they have hearing loss and need treatment can be difficult. We always encourage that you bring a family member or a friend to your appointment – especially to your first appointment, as having that familiar face can help ease your concerns.
In this blog, we discuss the benefits of bringing a friend or loved one to your audiologist appointment.
They Have Insight into your Hearing Loss
When we suffer with hearing loss, we might sometimes feel alienated and alone, as if no one understands the issues we are facing. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Our loved ones have witnessed your struggle, they have been there for you when your hearing was at its worst and they offer a unique insight, that could be important when treating your hearing loss. For example, you may not have noticed how often you miss calls or how frequently you turn up the radio. However, if a loved one has picked up on it then they can inform your audiologist which can help in diagnosis and treatment.
The Impact it has on them
You may be under the mindset that your hearing loss is your battle and yours alone. However, it also has an impact on your loved ones. There have been many situations where we have sat with our patients as their loved one explain how their hearing loss has also affected their lives.
This conversation between one another gives both individuals an opportunity to express their feelings. While treating your hearing loss, it is critical to have the support of your loved ones, and having them engaged in decisions and diagnosis may greatly strengthen your relationship.
An Enhanced Understanding
If you’re feeling stressed or anxious about your diagnosis, it can be easy to miss or forget information and an audiologist appointment can cover quite a lot of new information. Therefore, by bringing a loved one, they have the opportunity to as questions that hadn’t been considered, help with note taking and later recall key information.
They can Help you make an Informed Decision
It can also be beneficial to have a loved one present in order to bounce any decisions off of. Your loved one might have important questions you hadn’t thought of at the time. We all know the frustration of making our way home after an appointment and thinking, “I wish I had have asked that!”
Book your Appointment Now
Audiology Medical Services – Ireland’s leading independent audiology specialists – recommend that after the age of 45, you should have a hearing test every three years. We offer free adult hearing screening tests at all their clinics nationwide. If you are concerned about yourself or a loved one’s hearing, we are here to help you through this challenging process and help limit the impact it makes on your life. To make an appointment to talk to one of Audiology Medical Services’ clinically trained professional audiologists, available at clinics nationwide, freephone 1800 501 501 or visit
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