Reduced hearing is intensely frustrating for people with hearing loss, as well as for those around them. Hearing loss can and does appear at any age. In fact, studies show that a lot of cases, hearing loss impacts some people earlier than previously thought, mostly due to chronic and prolonged exposure to environmental noise. Our lives are influenced in so many ways by our ability to communicate with others. So, here’s some important insights into the different types of hearing loss.
Types and causes of hearing loss
Our audiologists will be able to determine what type of hearing loss you have and even the potential cause of your hearing loss. There are three types of hearing loss:
• Sensorineural Hearing Loss
• Conductive Hearing Loss
• Mixture of both Sensorineural and Conductive
Sensorineural Hearing Loss - This is the most common form of hearing loss. It’s a result of damage to the inner ear affecting the ear’s ability to transmit sounds to the brain. This accounts for 90% of permanent hearing loss. It can be the result of; the natural ageing process, exposure to loud noises, viral ear infections or even certain medical treatments such as chemotherapy.
Conductive Hearing Loss - This is caused by an obstruction that prevents sound waves from reaching the inner ear, for example: an accumulation of ear wax, fluid in the middle ear, middle ear infections and perforation of the ear drum.
As well as these, there are less common types of hearing loss. Hearing loss can be helped by medicine or surgery. In these cases, you will be referred to a medical ear specialist.
Understanding how hearing loss can impact people
Have you ever thought about the importance of a voice? A voice can be deeply moving, conveying thoughts, emotions and feelings. Every spoken word consists of sounds and tones which create understanding and enable us to build and maintain relationships and connect us to the world around us. Imagine removing strings from a guitar and asking someone to play a well-known song. The chances are you will struggle to even recognise the song and it certainly wouldn’t sound right. That is similar to a person living with hearing loss. Regularly, certain frequencies and sounds are removed which results in the individual mishearing or feel as if people are mumbling.
Hearing is very often taken for granted. Deterioration of a person’s hearing can have a huge impact on an individual’s life, including tiredness, as there is a requirement to concentrate far more to keep up with conversations and people around them. Hearing loss can also result in people struggling both at work and social events. It is vitally important to understand hearing loss both for you and your loved ones. If a deterioration in hearing is noticed, it’s highly recommended to discuss the issue with a friend or family member. If hearing loss is properly understood by the individuals themselves and the family, solutions can then be worked on together.
Degrees of hearing loss
Mild: If you have a mild degree of hearing loss you will be able to hear some speech sounds, however it will be difficult to hear soft sounds. For example, a person speaking to you in a quiet tone.
Moderate: If you have moderate hearing loss, it will be a struggle to hear and understand speech when someone is talking at a normal level.
Severe: If you have severe hearing loss, you will hear little-to-no speech. This means when spoken to by a person you will not hear to normal levels and will sometimes hear loud sounds.
Profound: If you have profound hearing loss, you more than likely only hear loud sounds and no speech at all.
Importance of Treating Hearing Loss
Fortunately, nearly all hearing loss can be treated with hearing aids and there is a significant benefit for individuals who treat their hearing loss early. Hearing aids help process incoming sound making it easier for your brain to understand them. Other benefits of hearing aids include reduced mental fatigue, decreased feelings of social isolation and depression, improved ability to do several things at once, improved memory, attention and focus, as well as improved communication skills.
Audiology Medical Services
At Audiology Medical Services we hope you are now more knowledgeable about the different types of hearing loss. If you are concerned about hearing loss, or preventing noise-induced hearing damage, please make an appointment to talk to one of Audiology Medical Services’ clinically trained professional audiologists, available at clinics nationwide. Call 1800 501 501 or email
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